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The walking dead, and more!

Everyone agrees that the new season of the Walking Dead started sensational.. Many people are quiet shocked, so we might have something to cheer you up! A necklace inspired by the Walking Dead.

Be quick to order your example because this item is low on stock. The link to order: https://www.etsy.com/listing/281208030

Harry Potter

There's also good news for the Harry Potter fans. In our Etsy shop you now find these cute Harry Potter miniature wands, inspired by Voldemort, Harry Potter, Hermione and the Elder Wand. The keychains are about 160 mm and made of metal. Don't forget to get a velvet pouch for only €1. 


Hermione's Wand €6.50
 Order Hermione's wand here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/469257720

Harry's Wand €6.50
Order Harry's wand here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/486115901

Elder Wand €6.50
 Order the Elder Wand here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/482743483

Voldemort's Wand €6.50
 Order Voldemort's wand here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/482750751

Which one is your favorite?


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Author: Sdeco Design
Sdeco Design does themed gift sets, jewelry, cosplay, custom builds and more.