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Custom order: Harry Potter style

Today we have received a nice message from a customer; if we could make a custom box for the Harry Potter key chain that she ordered from our shop. The answer is "Yes, of course!" and here is the result.

We gave this wooden box the look of an old treasure chest by giving it a brown/red color. On the inside we made a little platform out of foam, so that the Elder Wand wouldn't drown in the box. The last thing we did was adding snow, to make it really look like the perfect Christmas gift!

The key chains are available in our Etsy shop, these are the key chains that are currently in stock:

From the left to the right:

Hermione's Wand €6.50 

Harry's Wand €6.50

The Elder Wand €6.50

Voldemort's Wand €6.50


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Author: Sdeco Design
Sdeco Design does themed gift sets, jewelry, cosplay, custom builds and more.