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Custom order: Assassin's Creed box

Lydia, who is a big Assassin's Creed fan, contacted us to make a custom box for her. Here's some photos of the project and a summary of how we did it. 

We've added map print to a hexagonal shaped wooden box. On top we put the Assassin's Creed logo that we carved and painted by hand, and on the outside we added some leather looking straps with fancy golden pins. On the inside we then made a mount for the Grand Temple Key necklace that comes with the gift set. 

Assassin's Creed box
Grand Temple Key
Assassin's Creed Temple Key necklace
Assassin's Creed box
Side with leather look straps


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Author: Sdeco Design
Sdeco Design does themed gift sets, jewelry, cosplay, custom builds and more.