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Star Wars custom gift for 25th anniversary

Sdeco Design received a special request for a 25th anniversary personalized gift, in the style of Star Wars. We took the challenge and came up with a plan to create a unique gift.

What we did
The most famous Star Wars couple is of course Princess Leia and Han Solo. We put their figurine's in a special frame, which is about 15 cm by 15 cm. The figurines are about 4 cm tall and they both are holding a gun that's sticking out, for a 3D effect.

 Every Star Wars fan knows their famous quote:

I love you

-Princess Leia

I know

-Han Solo 

That had to be used as background, in a recognizable font, either quote beneath the right person.

Next, we added the Alliance Starbird. That is the symbol of the Rebel Alliance, which love birds Leia and Han both are part of.

We're almost done. We then made the logo glow in the dark for a special effect. This is what it looks like when you turn the lights of!

And the final step was to wrap it carefully in cellophane, the guns had to be moved slightly so they fitted in. Now it's ready to be given! What do you think of it?


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Author: Sdeco Design
Sdeco Design does themed gift sets, jewelry, cosplay, custom builds and more.