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Update on custom order: Iron Paws

Update: We've received a review from Victoria and Apollo: 
I am absolutely delighted with my custom box, I needed a box to keep my show leads and bits and bobs safe between shows. After explaining what I was after they were able to create our box. I wanted our Kennel logo on the front and this was achieved. It has the look and feel I wanted. Our puppy Ironpaws Iron Lady 'Apollo' approves of the box! Thank you so very very much. I'm very excited about our next commission!
Thank you Apollo for approving it!

Everything together in one box.

Victoria, who also is a Rammstein fan, asked for a custom order. She owns a kennel named Ironpaws with Miniature American Shepherds and asked if we could do a one in the style of the Rammstein box but inspired by Ironpaws. 

That was no problem! Scroll down for the result or go to the website of Ironpaws for more information: http://ironpawsminis.co.uk

We start with a wooden box and give it the same metal look of the Rammstein box. Then we've give it a rusty effect and add the logo in the middle. The last step is painting the inside crimson red, done!


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Author: Sdeco Design
Sdeco Design does themed gift sets, jewelry, cosplay, custom builds and more.